We are a small group of volunteers who invite you to join GAR.
You may find that you have a calling for this kind of volunteer work and may discover the perfect niche of service that lets you help the animals of Giles County.
Thinking about volunteering but not sure what you can do? Our volunteers rescue homeless, abandoned, or abused pets. They speak with the public at events, fundraise, transport animals to the vet or another rescue, and/or assist low income families in getting a pet spayed/neutered. Not all our volunteers work directly with animals. Whatever your talent, the group would benefit and more animals could be helped. Please look over the information on our programs and activities page to get a better idea of the areas you would be most interested in volunteering. Also feel free to contact us for more information, gilesanimalrescue@gmail.com. If you would like to volunteer, please download and complete the application, save and email to gilesanimalrescue@gmail.com.
Giles Animal Rescue is in need of volunteers to foster homeless pets while we find rescues to take them or await transport to a rescue. We can only rescue as many animals as we can foster. We currently do not own a facility to house pets we are assisting, although this is a long-term goal. Please call us and leave a message at 540-922-3958.
General requirements for volunteers:
- All volunteers must complete a volunteer application & volunteer agreement with Giles Animal Rescue.
- All volunteers must complete a volunteer waiver with Giles Animal Rescue.
- All volunteers should feel comfortable/accept the policies and procedures of Giles Animal Rescue.
- When volunteering, all actions should be a reflection of the values and standards set by Giles Animal Rescue.
- All volunteers must be able to understand and follow directions of the volunteers in charge and/or members of the Board of Directors.
- Volunteers shall not knowingly take actions against the wishes of the active membership as a whole.
- Volunteers must retain confidentiality of the organization while working with the public.
- A volunteer will immediately report any problems he/she may be having with accepting policies or working with other staff members so we can work together effectively as a team.
If you would like to volunteer, please download and complete the application.